Monday 26 September 2016


We, the executives, staffs and volunteers of Marriage Management Matters (3M), with great joy, sincerity and honour wish to partner with Tectono Business Review on a weekly contribution of our researches and findings on possible way-out in reducing continuous rift in marriages in the world through practical pastoral principles.

3M is a divine initiative of some individuals working with the interest in resolving the God-ordained institution called marriage based on the experiences, revelation, knowledge and diligent exposure on the bible that will encourage, equip and empower every persons concerned in the institution of  marriage.

The 3M is a non-profit organization working with the core interest of addressing the crisis, troubles, misunderstanding in marriage, relationships and family ties through our research, studies, survey and intervention in ensuring stable, satisfactory and sustainable successful existence of couples, persons and families.

 Our team of seasoned marriage counselors, broken marriage survivors, trained workers in the vineyard of God will render value-added services through seminars, workshops, conferences, dinner, prayers, charity, every other means to get the message of war against marriage failure.

Our Vision
Holding family together, building a united society/nation achieving a peaceful world.

Our Mission
Embracing the fantasy of family through forgiveness, forgetfulness and friendliness following the footprint of our creator who is the initiator of marriage.

Our Services
·         Prayer
·         Counseling
·         Advocacy
·         Mentoring
·         Visitation
·         Rehabilitation
·         Training
·         Facilitating marriage programmes

Target Audience
·         Families
·         Churches
·         Non-profit Organisations
·         Youths
·         Social groups
·         Community
·         Other faith-based groups
·         Men, Women and children

The 3M and Tectono Business Review collaboration on weekly publications will be covering issues of marriage in the following areas:
1.      Redefining marriage
2.      Thou shall not put asunder
3.      Strengthening families with the working wards
4.      Strengthening families with girl child only
5.      Strengthening families with physically challenged wards
6.      Sustainability of marital vows
7.      Why try divorce/I hate divorce
8.      Review and re-launch your relationship again
9.      Communication: cornerstone for couple continuity
10.  Model your family like the holy family
11.  State of failing marriage
12.  Three is a companion: Three is a crowd
13.  Family quarrel
14.  Refilling the wine in your love

Kindly stay tuned to Marriage Management Matters (3M), the weekly marriage corner on Tectono Business Review and your marriage will remain blessed.

For further enquiries, contact:
Imoleayomaria:      +2348023369859
Bolaji:                       +2348121909510

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