Monday 6 March 2023


occult water invocation
By the sign of the Hexagram and in the three most sacred names of God borne upon the banners of the West:
EMPEH ARSEL GAIOL, spirits of Water adore your creator. In the name of the great King of the West: RA-AGIOSEL, spirits of Water adore your creator. In the name of the great Archangel of the Waters: GABRIEL, spirits of water adore your creator.
In the sign of the head of the Eagle, spirits of water adore your creator. In the names and letters of the great tablet of HCOMA, spirits of Water adore your creator. By the sign of the supreme pentagram of Water, spirits of  water adore your creator. By the sign of the CROSS. ELOHIM TZABAOTH, praise be unto thine name unto the countless ages of time, Amen.
Terrible king of the sea, thou who holdest the keys of the cataracts of Heaven, and who enclosest the subterranean waters in the cavernous hollows of the Earth. King of the deluge and of the rains of spring. Thou who openest the sources of the rivers and of the fountains. Thou who commandest moiture which is, as it were, the blood of the earth, to become the sap of the plants. We adore thee and we invoke thee. Speak thou unto us, thy mobile and changeful creatures in the great  tempest, and we shall tremble before  thee. Speak to us also in the murmur of the limpid waters, and we shall desire thy love.
O vastness!, wherein all the rivers of Being seek to lose themselves, which renew themselves  ever in thee! O thou ocean of infinite perfection! O height which reflectest thyself in the Depth! O Depth which exhalest thyself in the Height! Lead us into the true life, through  intelligence, through love! Lead us unto immortality through sacrifice, that we may be found worthy to offer one day unto thee, the Water, the Blood, and the the Tears, for the remission of Sins!
Elohim Tzabaoth! Elohim Tzabaoth! Elohim Tzabaoth!

In thy name do I command that the dwellers of the realm of waters converge for me and hear the voice of my soul as I now intone:

Ehhhhh! Ehhhhh! Ehhhhh!

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