Wednesday 30 June 2021


It is a well-known fact that Agriculture is the most accepted culture that outdated modern civilization. As boastful as this may sound, everyone is quite certain that agriculture used to be the primary source of sustenance for the old civilizations. However, everyone can’t all be farmers anymore even though we all love food. The average Nigerian eats at least one to two square meals per day, and no matter how much we complain about the economy, we must eat.
 This is why we now have privately owned agricultural companies licensed by the government to help maintain the workforce needed to keep a country’s agriculture economy afloat and provide investment opportunities for those not willing to get their hands dirty, and still provide food for the country. This initiative has helped boost the rate of farmers in the country and also gives you and me ample agricultural produce like vegetables, whole grains, livestock, birds, and every other agricultural produce for us to consume and stay healthy.
Here comes a world-class agricultural company and best in Nigeria called Agricunia. Agricunia is a bio-organic agriculture company newly introduced into the Nigerian agriculture sector. It’s an extension of a leading globally recognized company known as Africunia Ecosystem which is the hub company housing mini-companies like Agricunia, Africunia online banking and blockchain trading, and a few other sectors. Agricunia as a farm produce and sell various crops like Cassava, Maize, Pawpaw, Avocado, Plantain, Banana e.t.c. Agricunia also produces other varieties of vegetables known to the Nigerian culture. The company is equally rear farm animals like Goats, Pigs, birds, and rabbits which can be ordered as wholesalers and be delivered to the consumer.
Pork is probably the most sought-after beef today in the country. Agricunia rears herds of healthy mature male and female pigs in numbers and can easily have them delivered to you anywhere in Ibadan and outside states.
With the dwindling of the Nigerian forest system, rabbit meat is almost a rare commodity that one likely sees only once in a while. Agricunia rear these beautiful creatures in numbers under a healthy detached environment that lets them thrive into their mature state ready for sale. Goats, cattle, birds are equally reared majorly by Agricunia. However, Agricunia does not butcher nor do they sell their livestock in pairs or singular. They operate mainly on wholesale delivery around the state and other states in general. With their base in Ibadan, Oyo state, Agricunia is set to embrace the need for wholesalers in and outside of the state who can easily purchase and have it delivered to their doorstep. Amazingly right? You can order a bunch of mature pigs or goats, and within a few days have it delivered to your doorstep! The founder of Africunia Ecosystem, Dr. Nzenwa Don Chancellor, is a dedicated businessman from Nigeria, whose sole aim is to enrich the economy and contribute positively to the people’s accessibility to foods using Agricunia to spearhead his production of agricultural products.
Investment Opportunity in Agricunia
As stated earlier, Agricunia does not just base its mode of operation on the rearing and distribution of agricultural produce alone, it equally give investors the window to step in and invest from a certain amount of money that will in a space of 6 months to 1 year earn a certain amount of percentage interest.
The founder of Agricunia, Dr. Nzenwa Don Chancellor, in one of his interviews with newsmen stresses that he is ready to accept onboard able individuals ready to join the agricultural sector as investors. However he is yet to reveal the notable percentage per interest rate of their investment or the minimum amount, and the periodic time frame he is willing to give his investors. The Agricunia customer support department is open to call and inquiries for those who may be interested to leverage the benefits of a company with its level of efficiency as Agricunia. They are simply your last stop to the Nigerian agricultural sector anytime any day. You can reach their Customer Support at, +2348176960676

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