Thursday, 1 November 2018


Infertility is becoming a more common problem amongst the general population and male factor is responsible in over 40% of the cases. The 4 factors mentioned below can boost male fertility naturally:

1) Maintain a Healthy Diet and Weight
Certain foods have been shown to increase fertility in men by promoting the development of healthy sperm. Consider incorporating more antioxidant-rich foods into your diet such as tomatoes, walnuts, blueberries, lentils. Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc which plays an important role in sperm development and testosterone production. One of the simplest ways of improving sperm count and quality is also, to drink sufficient quantity of water. Semen is water based and increasing liquid consumption can help increase the ejaculate and improve sperm production.

2) Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
Smoking cigarettes and using other tobacco products has been linked to male infertility. In most cases, the nicotine and other chemicals in cigarette smoke can lead to lower sperm counts. Limiting alcohol intake can also help decrease the risk of low testosterone levels and erectile dysfunction.

3) Manage your stress
Stress can interfere with certain hormones that are essential in sperm production. Severe or prolonged emotional stress, including problems with fertility, can affect the sperm count. Manage stress by exercising or finding a hobby to help increase the likelihood of healthy sperm production.

4) Avoid Overheating
The testicles need to keep the sperm at a healthy temperature. Heat is known to damage sperm, so it’s advisable to avoid activities that may elevate the temperature of the testicles. Examples are frequent use of saunas, hot tubs or placing laptops directly on your lap. In addition, tight underwear may also affect temperature regulation. 

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