Friday 4 December 2020


Dr. Kalu


In the months of November some years  ago, after an ovarian cyst surgery  on my wife, complications arose, it was discovered that the doctor made a wrong connection that caused my wife's blood to be turning to solids-blocking towards her heart. They call it Deep Vein Thrombosis. Consultants, watched on close circuit or Skpe said hers was at advance stage and that she has no chance. They returned her to a private ward on tears as she plea onto me not to allow her die.


I left the hospital quickly and called George Akpauta to join me in a special ritual session. There we performed a spiritual exercise where I took a covenant before the Holy Hierarchy of celestial spirits, that if my wife is preserved from death- if we beat the expectations of the doctors, I would forever stand as a High Priest to restore the name of God anywhere it looks as if it is about to be ridiculed or is being ridiculed without asking for money.


After that covenant I returned to the hospital and prayed there continually for 7days. The doctor stayed away from the hospital and only snicks around. Time went on, and on the 8th day my wife brought down her feet on the floor from the bed for the first time. And she said "I think I have been healed". The doctor was called upon, and he came with other consultants. After checking my wife they said it was a miracle.


Since then, I have kept to the covenant and God has not seize from lifting upon his hands in any condition where his name is about to be ridiculed. The number is countless from my life to the life of many who were opportune to come in contact. Today, the 26 of November is the day I took that Covenant. And in remembrance I thank God for redeeming his name as he/she promised, continually in the life all those who finds themselves at the Crossroads of life. In today's sabbath of Grace, I extend such miracles to every aspirants. "When I remember what the Lord has done, I will never go back anymore........". Eka Zodacare od Zodameranu. Amen.

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