Friday, 12 October 2018


Dr. Michael Ogunkoya, MD, The Hope Valley Fertility Clinic
Every woman has two tubes though which egg can pass for fertilization. Once the tubes are blocked, there is nothing anybody can do about it naturally. So, any factor that will contribute to the blockage of the tubes will constitute an impediment to fertility. For instance, it is common knowledge that there too much teenage pregnancies around and these girls will resort to abortion. That can block or damage their tubes if not handled well. This can be reduced by vigorous health education in our schools and public institutions. So, those who have had abortion are susceptible to infertility if it was not handled well.

There is also the issue of multiple sexual partners. One could contact sexually transmitted diseases that may affect the chances of conceiving naturally. Once there is serious infection, the tubes that translate sperms outside become blocked. Then, there is also the challenge of women who decide to get married late because of educational or professional pursuit. The end result is that they settle down for marriages late when fertility is very much on the decline and we would rather advise our ladies to settle down to marry early. Once they finish their university education is fine. The earlier you start the better. By early thirties, fertility is already on the decline. By forties, you might be needing egg from a donor.

In men, we would be looking at smoking. It is a major cause of infertility. It has terrible ingredients that can slow down the sperm from moving and reduce egg production permanently. So, it is advisable that people stop smoking heavily or stop it altogether. It is the same with alcohol consumption. Some men also wear hot pants that prevent ventilation in their private region. Then, those who work in the environment like bakeries, manufacturing factories and the likes are also at risk. It is also true for long distance lorry drivers who sit on the wheels for hours. This exposes them to infertility. Anything that can expose the testicles to heat is harmful for fertility. Once these things are stopped, fertility increases. These are harmful habits that promote infertility.

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