Friday 28 July 2023


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Hyundai Motor Group, a South Korean automobile conglomerate, is taking a remarkable step in addressing global climate change worries by harnessing the power of blockchain technology.
The two affiliates of the group, Hyundai Motor and Kia, have unveiled the Supplier CO2 Emission Monitoring System (SCEMS), a carbon emission tracking solution based on blockchain technology.
From the extraction of raw materials to the production and delivery of parts and vehicles, the SCEMS is designed to record and manage carbon footprints.
This comprehensive approach allows Hyundai and Kia to gain better control over their carbon reduction initiatives.
Because calculating carbon footprints requires an understanding of complex mathematical processes, Hyundai Motor and Kia are providing the SCEMS to suppliers free of charge, offering them the necessary tools to effectively curb carbon emissions.
The SCEMS employs artificial intelligence modeling, which automatically computes carbon emissions and predicts future projections as suppliers from various industries input their data into the system.
Hyundai Motor and Kia expect that the incorporation of blockchain technology into their operations will support the reliability of their data, increasing their credibility among global evaluators of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) management.

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